The department of Physics is a place where faculty, graduate and undergraduate students thrive on collaborating together in a vibrant academic atmosphere. The department encourages top-class innovation in both its research activities as well as pedagogy, on topics ranging from fundamental nature to those with immediate technological applications. The department currently has 59 faculty members, 200 graduate and 250 undergraduate students. The faculty and students have published on an average of 200 journal papers per year during the last five years. In addition, several undergraduate students in the department actively participate in research projects. The department attracts outstanding youngsters to join its faculty by providing an environment where academic ideas can blossom without barriers of groups and laboratories..
Magnetism in a frustrated triangular lattice antiferromagnet
M. Barik, P. Khuntia*,
Bose-Einstein condensation in a novel quantum magnet
M. Barik, P. Khuntia*,
Spin liquid state in a novel three dimensional spin lattice
S. Khundu, U. Jena, P. Khuntia*,